Club Information:
Transportation to and from tournaments, practice and other activities is solely the responsibility of the player’s parents and is not a function of the Club. We encourage you to organize carpools to both tournaments and practice as a way to share expenses and to get to know each other better.
Each parent is responsible for getting their daughter to each tournament. It is also the parent’s responsibility to arrange for a ride for their daughter if they are unable to attend. Parents should offer to share the expense of gas if carpooling with another family. The Club and its representatives are not subject to any liability for damage or injury which may result from the transportation of players. On occasion, Tournaments are scheduled in areas outside of Idaho. Transportation, meals and lodging costs will need to be assumed by the families for those weekends.
We will issue official uniforms at the beginning of the season. The cost of the uniform is included in the participation/membership fee. The uniform must be worn when representing AFVBC at a sanctioned tournament. Care of the uniform is the responsibility of the player. Any cost incurred to replace lost or damaged uniforms will be the responsibility of the player.
Practice schedules will be presented to the players. All teams will be starting practices in February and will practice through May. All teams will practice at least twice a week. Every team requires commitment from the players. We expect players to organize their time so that they can take care of their other responsibilities (homework, jobs, school, etc) without interfering with their responsibilities to AFVBC for practices, tournaments, travel, fundraising activities, etc. Players and parents must realize that practice is an essential part of this program. Coaches must be notified PRIOR to practice if a player cannot make practice. Failure to notify, or missing practices, may result in diminished playing time in tournaments.
Contact Names and Numbers
AFVBC Director Lisa Leyshon (208) 221-7215
U16 Coach Tosha Driscoll (208) 317-5920
U14 Coach Nicole Fehringer (208) 226-7385

Welcome to American Falls Volleyball Club (AFVBC)!! It is our hope that this will be a positive and productive volleyball experience for each individual player. Our goal is to further develop volleyball skills for all girls, while encouraging a love for the game. United States Volleyball (USAV) is one of the leading amateur sports organizations in the country, providing millions of amateur and professional volleyball players at all age groups and ability levels the opportunity to train and to play volleyball. AFVBC will support the philosophy that volleyball skills of individual athletes would be enhanced if these athletes were given the opportunity to train and compete in volleyball as much as they can. We try to provide these athletes with enough volleyball training and competition so that ultimately, we could maximize their opportunity for them to have skills that benefit them and their teammates for the next level. While winning is an important team goal, participation by each individual is stressed, with the focus on improvement in performance rather than winning as the ultimate goal.