2013 American Falls High School Volleyball Player Expectations
As a AFHS volleyball player, the following is expected of me:
I will be a team player. I will always show respect to my teammates and my coaches at all times. If I don’t, I will not play.
I will be coachable. I will accept feedback because I know it will help me become the best player I can be. I will constantly challenge my teammates and myself.
I will stay on top of my academics and communicate to my coaches whenever I have concerns.
I will always have a positive attitude. I understand that if I don’t, that I will be taken out of a match. I know that poor attitudes don’t win matches.
I understand that playing time will not be equal and that it is earned by hard work, performance, and attitude.
When I am not in the match, I understand that my responsibilities include calling the lines for my teammates and cheering for them.
I will not allow mistakes to bring me down. I know that I learn from them.
I will work hard at every practice. I understand the consequences of not working hard. Even if I am a better player than my teammate, I know that I will not play if I am not trying my best or if I am not focused.
I will be on time to practices, matches and to the bus.
I will communicate to my coaches ahead of time about absences, expected tardiness, concerns, or anything that will affect my match or affect our team’s practice plans.
As a AFHS player, I will be on my best behavior at all times. I understand that inappropriate language will not be tolerated. I will report any team concerns and player issues to my coach.
I will only post positive comments that support the program, teammates and coaches as well as my competitors on public sites (such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
I understand that the use of alcohol, illegal or misuse of prescription drugs, tobacco or any other abusive substance is strictly prohibited. I acknowledge the penalties carefully explained in the AFHS Code of Conduct.
I am aware that good eating habits and sleeping habits will provide me with the energy I need for every match and practice. I will do my best to have healthy eating and sleeping habits.
I will always support the C, JV and Varsity teams. My cell phone text/calls and friends won’t distract me. (Same rule applies to all teams.)
I understand that high school volleyball is a big commitment and I will make practices, matches and fundraising events a priority in my social calendar.
I will report any injuries to my coach as soon as possible. If I am injured, I will follow the instructions given to me by the athletic trainer.
I must take fundraising seriously and understand that I have to carry my weight as a player. I will work hard to reach our team fundraising goals and not depend on others to do it for me.
As a team player, I will always focus on effort, team and attitude, not wins and losses. I will win with humility and lose with dignity. I will celebrate every great play and brush off lost points.
I will make sure that I have fun and enjoy the match!
I understand the Volleyball Code of Conduct point system and will do my best to uphold the code.
2013 American Falls High School Volleyball Parent Expectations
As a parent of a American Falls High School volleyball player, the following is expected of me:
I will be a supportive parent and be positive about my daughter’s playing experience. I will also support her teammates, coaches and parents inside and outside the gym.
I understand that only positive comments about a player, coaches or a competitor should be posted on public websites including Facebook , Twitter, etc.
I will not criticize the officials or the opposing team’s players, parents or coaches.
I understand that there will be losses and that they are part of the learning experience.
I will try my best to get my daughter to practices, matches and bus departures on time. I will pick her up on time when practices/matches are over.
I understand that one of the lessons taught in high school volleyball is commitment to a team. I will make every effort to be sure that my daughter is at practices, matches, and fundraising events whenever possible.
I will encourage my daughter to resolve any issues on her own before I get involved. I understand this is part of her growth process. When I need to communicate concerns to the coaches, I understand that I should not do this during practices, and not immediately before or after matches.
I am aware that poor eating habits and sleeping habits can develop at this age and I will make every effort to provide my daughter with nutritional meals, snacks and appropriate curfews.
I understand that not every player will receive equal playing time and that those decisions will be made by the coaches.
I will support my daughter in the team’s fundraising efforts. I understand that this is her responsibility, and I will follow up with her to be sure she is doing her part.
I understand the Volleyball Code of Conduct point system and will do my best to uphold the code.